El Paso Car Accident Lawyer
When You’re Injured, We’re Here to Help
Getting into a serious accident can change the course of your life. When another driver behaves recklessly, it can damage far more than just your car. Bodily injuries are almost inevitable when you mix heavy machinery and speed with human negligence, and they can have devastating consequences on everything from your job to your personal life.
When you call the Harmonson Law Firm for help, you take the first step toward making it right and holding the responsible party or entity accountable for their wrongdoing. Call (915) 233-6427 to speak to a car accident lawyer about your injuries and your legal options.
How Common Are Car Accidents?
According to the NSC, roads became even less safe in 2020 with more fatal collisions that involved non-restrained occupants, excessive speed, and impairment. Bankrate detailed car accident fatalities by state. In 2020, Texas had 1.49 car accident fatalities per 100 million miles while New Mexico had 1.68 car accident fatalities per 100 million miles.
Applicable Law
Laws pertaining to El Paso car accidents can be found in the Texas Transportation Code, Title 7, Subtitle C (Rules of the Road), Chapter 550 (Accidents and Accident Reports). The length of time you have to file a claim for damages in Texas is two years from the date of your car accident. Your El Paso car accident lawyer can help explain any questions you may have regarding the laws surrounding your car accident.
What Are Some Local Resources You May Need Following a Car Accident?
If you’ve been involved in a car accident in El Paso, TX, the following resources could be of benefit to you:
- Hospitals (not a complete list)
- University Medical Center of El Paso (915) 233-6427
- The Hospitals of Providence NE Campus—(915) 233-6427
- The Hospitals of Providence Memorial Campus—(915) 233-6427
- The Hospitals of Providence Sierra Campus—(915) 233-6427
- The Hospitals of Providence East Campus—(915) 233-6427
- The Hospitals of Providence Transmountain Campus—(915) 233-6427
- The Hospitals of Providence Horizon City Campus—(915) 233-6427
- Las Palmas Medical Center—(915) 233-6427
- Del Sol Medical Center—(915) 233-6427
- Urgent Care Facilities (not a complete list)
- UCare Urgent Care—(915) 233-6427
- Southwest Urgent Care—(915) 233-6427
- MedPost Urgent Care—(915) 233-6427
- Summit Urgent Care—(915) 233-6427
- Upper Valley Urgent Care—(915) 233-6427
- CareNow Urgent Care—(915) 233-6427
- Police—911 or:
- El Paso Police Dept. on Raynor Street—(915) 233-6427
- El Paso Police Dept. on Dyer Street—(915) 233-6427
- El Paso Police Dept. on Escobar Drive—(915) 233-6427
- El Paso Police Dept. on Pebble Hills Blvd. (915) 233-6427
- City of El Paso Police Department on Lee St.—(915) 233-6427
- El Paso Police Dept. (Commander) on Campbell Street—(915) 233-6427
- Fire Department—(There are many fire station sub-stations across El Paso with the same number as #3 listed).
- El Paso Central Fire Station—(915) 233-6427
- El Paso Fire Station 3—(915) 233-6427
What is the Car Accident Claim Process?
Your El Paso car accident lawyer will start the process by investigating who is at fault, then will talk to you and your physicians to determine what your claim is worth in terms of medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If you are expected to continue to have medical bills and lost wages for a significant length of time your attorney will calculate those costs, along with your pain and suffering costs. A demand letter will then be sent to the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Rarely will an insurer agree immediately to pay the full amount.
Your attorney will enter into negotiations with the insurer and if no agreement can be reached, a lawsuit will be filed against the insurance company. Even after a lawsuit is filed, the insurance company has until right before the jury reaches a verdict to offer a fair settlement. Otherwise, the decision will be up to the jury. Once a settlement agreement or jury verdict is reached, you should receive your check for damages within about six weeks of the decision.
Do I Have a Case?
The best way to determine whether you have a valid car accident claim is to speak to a knowledgeable El Paso car accident attorney. An experienced attorney can comprehensively investigate your accident, determining fault and calculating your injuries and damages. If the attorney you speak to doesn’t feel that filing a claim has much chance of success, he or she will tell you this. In cases where the plaintiff shares a significant amount of the liability or has very minor injuries, filing a car accident claim might not be feasible.
Act today by calling (915) 233-6427 to speak to an El Paso auto accident attorney.

From Injury to Recovery FAQ's to Help Start Your Journey
What rights do I have following my car accident?If you sustain significant injuries in an accident, you should call 911 and go to the emergency room as soon as possible after a car accident. The hospital must treat you regardless of your financial ability to pay and even if you do not have health insurance. This is important to know, as a significant… CONTINUE READING
Is a driver at fault for an accident when a pedestrian is in or near a crosswalk?The fact that a pedestrian is in or near a crosswalk does not mean that the other driver is automatically responsible for the pedestrian’s injuries. Pedestrians are always required to obey all traffic signals. If a pedestrian enters the crosswalk when not allowed, the other driver may be able to either wholly or partially escape…CONTINUE READING
What is negligence and does it play a role in my car accident?Negligence is a legal term and is defined as failing to do that which a person of ordinary prudence would have done under the same or similar circumstances. Negligence also means doing that which a person of ordinary prudence would not have done under the same or similar circumstances. When a driver’s negligence causes another…CONTINUE READING
What information do I need to gather at the scene of a car accident?Gather as much information as possible about the other driver, including the driver’s name, address, telephone number, driver’s license number, and insurance information. Take photos of your vehicle and the other driver’s vehicle. If you have cuts, bruises, or other injuries and are in shape to take photos, do so. Also, get the name, address…CONTINUE READING
What should I do if I was involved in an auto accident?Immediately after an accident, stop, don’t leave the scene, and make sure everyone is okay. If there are injuries, the first call you should make is 911. You should always call the police in the event of an accident, cooperate, and be respectful to the police and the other driver. Gather as much information as…CONTINUE READING
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